LMents of Style

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Introducing Boy Girl Mom!

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The other day my mom asked me if I was still planning on publishing for LMents of Style and my answer was a resounding yes. Okay, Lauren, then where have you been? No she didn’t ask me that… but today I’m answering that question and introducing you to my new brand Boy Girl Mom.

Keep reading to find out what has been going on in my life and what I see looking forward!

Photos by Arielle Velasquez of Ari V Photo | Reformation Top | Lioness Trousers | Gap Jacket | James Perse Tee | Vince Sneakers |

Last year, around this time actually, the name Boy Girl Mom came to mind. I was thinking about how I wasn’t a “boy mom” or a “girl mom”, but a boy-girl mom! For some reason “the Bomb.Com” also came into my head, which sparked “BoyGirlMom.Com.” I liked how “boy girl mom dot com” rhymed, so I searched if the domain was taken. It was not, so in a matter of minutes I had the website, the instagram, and the whole kit and caboodle. It took me almost a year to act on it, but I basically dreamed of a parenting brand that offered practical advice, humor, trust, and a community that kept you coming back. Once I had these ideas and several months later, I quietly asked Nick if he wanted to produce a podcast with me. I had an email draft with topics that I had been collecting since the twins were born, but I was waiting to share them until just the right time. I didn’t think he would flat out tell me no, but I knew it would require work and we didn’t have much extra time on our hands. To my (somewhat) surprise he said yes and now here we are! The podcast was always an extension of the brand in my head, but it is really what set me into motion. I saw a friend from Dallas launched a podcast management company. I didn’t really feel like it was a great time to launch a podcast, but there is no right time to launch a brand / things will never be perfect, so I just went for it. I already knew I wanted to do it, but didn’t really know how to, plus neither of us had the time to edit. Rhonda / Disco Media helped us launch fairly quickly and that rocket fueled our brand.

We officially went live about a month ago. Slowly and surely everything has come together. It’s really hard in general to find time to complete the intricacies of a launching a new brand, while holding up an existing brand. Top that off with taking care of toddler twins and it’s almost impossible. I never intended to back down on posting frequency for LMents of Style, alas here we are. I think it would be easier if I didn’t write in depth articles and put in extensive research. There’s no shame in promoting your current favorite dress or Amazon favorites, I just get more pleasure creating content that is helpful, which takes unfortunately takes longer to create. You know, keep the shoe content, but let’s answer any question you could possibly have about them. Keep the sunscreen content, but let me tell you how and why you should use it. Catch my drift? All those take time and it is something I’m lacking now more than ever.

Writing and sharing brings me joy! Playing with my kids brings me joy! However, if I haven’t filled my own cup, I’m trying to pour from an empty cup and my family’s enters a drought. I am much happier and much more patient when I’m able to do a little for me and a little for them. Side-note, twins are just a different ballgame. And well, twin TODDLERS are in a league of their own! I love taking care of them, but it is a lot of work and sometimes I’m tired and don’t feel like work working, when I just clocked out of my 7 to 7.

Nick works from home most of the time, so generally speaking we are all home together. We have a nanny who comes 3 days a week for 3 hours each day and the twins nap for about 1.5 hours daily. That gives me about 12-15 hours a week to get things done. Sometimes that’s an acupuncture appointment, sometimes that’s meal planning, sometimes that’s taking a meeting, oh yeah and sometimes that is writing and working on my businesses. It’s not always spent working and even so, it often takes me a second to get into the working mindset, which is another conversation in and of itself. My point is that I have time, but during that time I’m not glued to my computer. I used to spend every night working on my computer. I still will from time to time. Regardless of what I was able to accomplish that day, I need a break and I need sleep. I’ve had to really shift into a different mindset the last couple of years and re-define my days, along with learning that I don’t have to be productive every second of the day.

I feel like this post has turned into more of a self-help memoir than introducing you to my new brand; but, in a way this is why I created my Boy Girl Mom. I want to work for myself and I want to work for my family. One just ends up being a little more important and I am left with a mostly full-time job and another full-time job I try to squeeze into a part-time briefcase. All that to say, I love writing and sharing with you and I haven’t pulled back willingly, but out of necessity. I miss you and I miss sharing, but I would miss the person I was trying to be if I didn’t lighten my load.

I hope you’ll stay with me here on LMoS and @ElleMulenos, but also join me over at BGM and @boygirlmomdotcom. You can sign up for our weekly newsletter here. I share inside tips, upcoming launches, and more. I’m working on other extensions of the brand as I type and I will be sharing them there first!! XOXO

P.S. There are a myriad of posts here that I’m still trying to publish, so stay tuned for those too. I am working on them, I promise!

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